Book: Paiges Find Her Perfect Fit by Rachel O. Williams and Kelly O. Williams
Paige sees people all around her that are good at things. But she just can’t seem to find her perfect fit. What is Paige good at?
Paige Finds Her Perfect Fit focuses on teaching the importance of standing out by finding her your perfect fit. In Paige’s case, she loves science.
Many children get discouraged when they see other kids who are better than they are. It can create anxiety in trying new things, jealousy of the other person and personal self-doubt.
This book is a perfect gateway to talk about what makes your own child special and to explore the things she excels at. We certainly had to do this with my own child and still have to touch on the fact that we all have talents we bring to the table. Having different talents is what makes the world such a fabulous place.
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Paige Finds Her Perfect Fit (Paige & Paxton Elementary STEM books)
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