Having an SPD kid can really test your patience. On so many boards I see parents who are feeling bad for yelling at their kids… but we’re all human and sometimes don’t have the reserves left.
Here’s a piece from one of my favorite parenting blogs — Aha! Parenting by Dr. Laura Markham. I discovered her early on and am a big fan.
This post contains affiliate links.
CLICK HERE: When You Feel Your Temper Rising
To learn more about parenting an angry child:
The Explosive ChildAnger Management Skills Workbook for Kids: 40 Awesome Activities to Help Children Calm Down, Cope, and Regain ControlCalming Angry Kids: Help and Hope for Parents in the WhirlwindAnger Management Workbook for Kids: 50 Fun Activities to Help Children Stay Calm and Make Better Choices When They Feel Mad
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