I asked parents this question: You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… and the responses keep rolling in! Onward to Part VIII.
Finish this sentence… “You know you’re an SPD parent when ____.”
You are often referred to as a seat or swing. – Jessica W.
Your kids won’t go in the water but will happily lick the pool fence for hours. – Suzie R.
When your little one slides, jumps and runs the whole time you’re in the waiting room and people ask ‘Is he like that all the time?” – Kirstie S.
When your child starts screaming and crying hysterically because he spilled a drop of juice on himself. – Dulce R.
You have chew toys for your children. – Tori B.
Bedtimes are delayed by sounds not heard by the normal ear. – Francis M.
You have been told by well meaning friends, family, teachers… “Oh, you are just babying him.” – Jeannine T.
Your purse looks like an Oriental Trading catalog exploded inside and you call all of those things necessities. – Angie M.
You have never taken your child to a parade or fireworks. – Anna M.
You no longer worry he’ll spin himself sick. – Francis M.
You hand your kiddo a napkin to hold her food with. – Stefanie O.
Shopping for birthday presents for your children, you are looking for the items that give the most sensory input and not necessarily the season’s hottest toys. – Amanda T.
You tell your daughter to go wash her hands she says, “I don’t need to wash my hands, Mommy. I already licked them.” – Misty B.
All clothing doesn’t feel right on your daughter. But she says,” I’m going to college to be a clothes designer.” Didn’t see that one coming. – Delta P.
You see someone else kid throwing a tantrum and smile because it’s not yours. – Angie J.
Don’t miss out on the other posts!
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part I
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part II
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part III
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part IV
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part V
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part VI
- You Know You’re an SPD Parent When… Part VII
teri says
Or u know your o parent to spd girl who’s in a meltdown and u wrap up her as tight as u can like hot dog then lay her on the floor! And poof the same girl is calm in a split second!
Anna says
Doesn’t like taking a shower because water splashes in face, but loves playing in sprinkler and getting splashed in face.
MommAShaw says
Your child remembers EVERY line from his favorite books & shows, yet he forgets that he’s holding a cup or spoon…
TLK says
When you go into a store/restaurant and your child refuses to talk, smile, or make eye contact with anyone who tries to talk to them, even if you’ve seen that same person 100 times before.
Jennifer S. Petty says
Your 17 year old son still wears head phones to get his hair cut because the sound of the scissors make him cringe!