“Have you ever wondered if your child’s behavior is truly a behavior issue or does there seem to be a sensory issue going on? Many times it is hard to tell if a behavior is truly a behavior or if your child is reacting to sensory problems in their body!” – Growing Hands On Kids
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CLICK HERE: Does My Child Have Behavior Problems or Sensory Processing Issues?
Recommended Reading
- Making Sense: A Guide to Sensory Issues
- Raising Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders
- Art Changed Her World with Sensory Processing Disorder
Learn more about Sensory Processing Disorder:
The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing DifferencesRaising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues
Understanding Your Child’s Sensory Signals: A Practical Daily Use Handbook for Parents and Teachers
Helping Your Child with Sensory Regulation: Skills to Manage the Emotional and Behavioral Components of Your Child’s Sensory Processing Challenges
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I was so happy to find this site! I am in the unique position of being the almost full time care taker of a child that has shown many indications of sensory processing issues but with a mother who is in complete denial that her child could have any issues at all. When I approached her about it she flew into a rage and threatened to remove the child from my care. So since I have no authority to seek professional recommendations for the child I have been looking for things that I might implement while she is in my care to help her and I have found this site very helpful. I know that the first step is an evaluation by a professional but since that is impossible in these instances would you have any advice for those of us that are in the position of caring for children whose parent or parents are in the similar frame of mind?